
Basket List: The Lifetime Mushroom List


We are all acquainted with the notion of the “bucket list,” which encompasses activities to be accomplished before our demise, and the “lifetime bird list,” which is a documentation of the birds we have encountered. But what if we could inject a dash of humor and creativity into our lives by introducing a new concept: the “Basket List” for mushrooms? Yes, you read that right—it’s time to embark on a whimsical journey into the enchanting world of mycology and discover the fungi we’d like to see before they or we decompose into obscurity.

While the Bucket List focuses on personal aspirations, and the Lifetime Bird List celebrates the art of bird watching, the Basket List brings a charming twist by highlighting fungi. All three lists encourage a profound connection with the natural world. Whether scaling mountains, spotting elusive birds, or foraging for mushrooms, the common thread is our exploration of the magnificent outdoors.

Since quite a few mushrooms are seasonal. Each month I will add mushrooms I would like to see during that month or season. Feel free to add fungi that are around all seasons. I live in the Pacific North West so while home I will add locals to my list. On more foreign land visits I will add those before I travel. 

My Fall Season List for October:

Note: I will be adding more to my personal list. The ones below are just examples.

Amanita muscaria Fly Agaric

Hypomyces lactifluroum Lobster Mushroom 

Boletus edulis Edible Bolete

Cantharellus formosus Pacific Golden Chanterelle

Turbinellus floccus Scaly Chanterelle.

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